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Page updated 17.9.2018

LukioTEKO – Development of Working Life Cooperation in Upper Secondary Schools

The objective of the LukioTEKO project is to develop collaboration between upper secondary schools, higher education institutions and working life. The project aims at improving the knowledge of working life of both upper secondary school pupils and staff members as well as their awareness of further education opportunities. The project also aims at making studies and the transition to further studies and working life smoother.

The role of Turku University of Applied Sciences is to make young people get interested in technical fields, as upper secondary school pupils are not familiar with technical studies and the range of technical subjects available in higher education institutions. As a result, many do not apply for technical studies or start their studies with a weak motivation. In this project, TUAS promotes university of applied sciences studies to upper secondary school pupils to raise awareness. During the project, TUAS has planned and implemented e.g. physics workshops in which engineering students guide upper secondary pupils as well as a course in 3D modelling and printing.

The LukioTEKO project entity also involves parts implemented by other partners that include the development of upper secondary teachers and study guidance counsellors through working life skills trainings, working life visit days, company visits and creating a new network to develop working life collaboration in upper secondary schools. As a result of the project, teachers are better able to inform pupils about the career opportunities offered by their respective subjects.

The models developed in the project are seen to particularly support the progress in studies and transition to further studies for those students whose success at school is weaker or whose further education plans are not yet clear.
