Sales and B2B Business
The research and development activities focus on
- the development of interaction and negotiation competences at the interface of sales and purchasing processes
- the development of B2B business profitability
- the integration of RDI activities, teaching and business
- the research and development of business innovations in face-to-face and remote interaction situations.
Digitalization and biometrics enable new opportunities to create competitive advantages for business. Digitalization of sales enables the utilization of customer profiles, personalization of products and services as well as dynamic pricing. It also enables more efficient quotation-ordering processes and more effective business processes such as information and product knowledge dissemination.
The use of biometrics offers a new quantitative research perspective on interaction and negotiation competences. Biometric research equipment can be used to collect quantitative data on topics such as gaze fixation and emotional impact of negotiation situations with the help of facial expression analysis and skin conductivity measurements.
Research group members
The Customer Behaviour Lab at Turku UAS enables development of and research on sales and marketing.
The Lab provides companies, cooperation partners, students and other stakeholders versatile opportunities for research on and development of sales, marketing, product development and the related processes, and for improving their competitive edge. The opportunities provided by the Lab can also be utilized in the development, practicing and research of advertising, customer interactions, competences and interaction situations.