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Page updated 14.3.2023
Nurse smiling at camera on her work at the hospital ward

Continuing Professional Education for nurses granted with a Diploma in General Nursing outside the EU/EEA


Have you graduated as a nurse outside the EU/EEA countries but you do not yet have the licence granted by Valvira to work as a nurse in Finland? Do you have a university degree in nursing, Diploma in Nursing?

Read the information in Finnish. 

The aim of the training is to enable you to work as a nurse in Finland. 

In the training, 

  • you will get personal guidance and support in applying for a right to exercise a profession from Valvira
  • you will receive guidance in completing your competence According to Valvira's decision
  • you will get a personal curriculum to study Finnish in the field of health 
  • you will receive guidance on improving your language skills 
  • you can make clinical trainings 
  • you will receive a certificate of your competence 

Valvira will decide on your right to work as a nurse in Finland. Please note that you will not receive a Finnish nurse’s degree from this education.

You can study while working. If you are unemployed, discuss the training with the TE Office.

The training is free of charge (0 euros). The students pay the other costs, for example the Valvira licence fees.

You can find information on the possibility of receiving support for your studies: 
www.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/ en

How to apply?

Applicants will be admitted to the nonstop training from January 2023 onwards. The studies start according to one’s personal curriculum.
Application period and application instructions
The application period is 1.12.2022–31.5.2024. 

Apply for the studies and you will get an invitation to a personal interview.
Application form in English

Application form in Finnish

Eligibility for studies

  • You have a college degree in nursing, for example Diploma in Nursing
  • Your degree has been completed outside the European Union (EU)
  • You can study in Finnish on level A2.1 (EVK, CEFR)

If you have a university degree in nursing, this education is not intended for you.


Training elsewhere in Finland

In addition to Turku UAS, the following Universities of Applied Sciences offer the training:
Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu
​​​​​​​Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Savonia ammattikorkeakoulu
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu