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Page updated 1.2.2023

Reporting Channel

In early February 2023, Turku UAS will implement a reporting channel required by legislation. Through the channel, Turku UAS’ current or former employees, members of the Board, trainees or self-employed persons providing services can file a report on suspected unlawful activities they witness at Turku UAS.

Reports filed through the reporting channel are confidential. The person who has filed the report i.e., the whistleblower must not be subject to any retaliation. The report can be filed anonymously. 

The reporting channel is an essential part of the responsible operations of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The reporting channel should not be considered only as a statutory obligation: above all, it is a means for strengthening the responsibility of our operations. The reporting channel expands the opportunities to collect data on the operations of our own organization. This way we can also take effective action against possible breaches at an early stage and prevent more substantial damages to both our operations and the reputation of Turku UAS. In addition, opening, maintaining and communicating about the reporting channel strengthens a responsible organizational culture.

The person responsible for processing the report shall take the necessary actions to investigate the validity of the report and to intervene in the situation, if necessary. 

The person responsible for processing the report shall notify the person filing the report within three months of submitting report about the actions taken based on the report.
The Act on the protection of persons who report breaches of the European Union and National Law (1171/2022) i.e., the Whistleblower directive entered into force on 1 January 2023. In the future, the Act obligates organizations operating in both the private and public sector to establish an internal reporting channel for reporting the suspected violations mentioned in the Act.

The Whistleblower Act is applied on protecting such persons who report breaching European Union legislation or its national implementation legislation or other national legislation in the following fields:

  • public procurement 
  • financial services and products 
  • product safety and compliance 
  • transport safety 
  • protection of the environment 
  • radiation protection and nuclear safety 
  • food and feed safety, animal health and welfare  
  • public health  
  • consumer protection 
  • protection and privacy of personal data, security of network and information     systems  
  • financial interests of the Union 
  • breaches of competition rules and state aid rules 
  • acts which breach the rules of corporate tax. 

According to the decision by the Board of Turku UAS, the Rector, the Vice Rector, the Chair of the Board and the Vice Chair of the Board have been appointed as the persons who are responsible for processing the reports. The Rector can appoint additional experts to process the reports.

The person filing the report will be communicated with. In the service, only persons authorized by Turku UAS can access the reports. If necessary, these people can ask for more information from the person filing the report through the channel. The report can be filed anonymously. The person filing the report is protected from retaliation, even if they state their name or other identifiers. 

We encourage that in principle, you contact your own manager or their manager in case of problems. However, the reporting channel is utilized in all situations in accordance with the Whistleblower directive.  

The channel is not a general feedback channel on e.g., education or our other operations. If you have other feedback, you can find information on different channels on the Messi page Feedback channels and influencing.

Starting from 1 February 2023, you can find the reporting channel in Messi on the page Feedback channels and influencing and on the tuas.fi website, in the bar at the bottom, with the title Reporting channel.  

Go to the Reporting channel here