Sustainable development at Turku UAS – towards carbon neutrality
We promote ecologically, socially and economically sustainable development.
- Education: we promote information on, skills in and attitudes to sustainable development
- Research, development and innovation activities: we impact society with projects which promote sustainable development.
- The organization’s own activities: we live what we preach.
- We promote the goals of the Turku Climate plan 2029.
- We calculate the carbon footprint of the entire organization with the same formula as other universities of applied sciences.
- Our newest campus building, EduCity, was awarded the prestigious LEED Platinum environmental certificate.
- Over 90% of the energy consumed by our campus buildings is produced with renewable energy sources.
- We are committed to reducing carbon emissions in our procurements and are involved in the low-carbon procurement management Keino Academy of Finland.
- We are a Fairtrade University.
We offer solutions for sustainability challenges and increase competence in sustainable development.
- All graduates from Turku UAS possess the basic skills in sustainable development.
- We offer continuous education which promotes sustainable development.
- We promote the accessibility of higher education.
Research, development and innovation activities
- We produce solutions for sustainability challenges in RDI projects.
- We will implement a set of criteria which measures the sustainability of project activities.
Management and personnel skills
- We will increase and measure the competence of our staff in sustainable development.
Carbon footprint
- We will calculate our carbon footprint annually and we aim to reduce our emissions
Read more:
Our new, updated programme for sustainable development and responsibility is published in June 2024:
- The programme is based on the UN’s sustainable development goals.
- We are involved in implementing the climate programme of the City of Turku.
Heikkilä P., Cheung M., Cura K., Engblom I., Heikkilä J., Järnefelt V., Kamppuri T., Kulju M., Mäkiö I., Nurmi P., Palmgren R., Petänen P., Rintala N., Ruokamo A., Saarimäki E., Vehmas K. Virta M. (2021) Telaketju - Business from Circularity of Textiles. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Research. Report No. VTT-R-00269-21
Konst T. (2021). Kestävä kehitys korkeakoulutuksessa – sanoista tekoihin. Turun ammattikorkeakoulun oppimateriaaleja 139; Turku.
Puurula J., Konst T., Friman M. (2021). Viheliäisiä ongelmia ratkomassa - amk-henkilöstö kestävyyshaasteiden edessä. (HAMK Unlimited Journal 20.4.2021)
Konst T., Friman M. (2021). Kohti parempaa työelämää ilmastonmuutoksen aikana. Työelämän tutkimus, Vol 19 Nro 1 (2021). 12.3.2021.
Kääriä, J., Castrén-Harju, K-M. (2020). Vastuullisuus: reilusti kohti ilmastopositiivisuutta. Talk- verkkolehti, Kiertotalous 23.4.2020.
Konst T., Puurula J., Friman M. (2020). Ammattikorkeakoulujen henkilöstö ilmastohaasteen edessä. TALK verkkolehti 21.10.2020.
Konst T., Friman M. & Scheinin M. (2020). Muuttuva työ ilmastonmuutoksen aikana – miten ammattikorkeakoulutus reagoi? HAMK Unlimited Journal 23.3.2020
Konst T., Kääriä J. (2020). Kestävän kehityksen osaamistarve koskee kaikkia aloja. Turun Sanomat 7.12.2020.
Konst T. & Scheinin M. (2020). Kestävä tulevaisuus oppimissuunnitelmissa – Mitä askeleita otimme Turun AMK:ssa vuonna 2019. TALK-verkkolehti 13.4.2020.
Konst T., Scheinin M. (2020). Uudistuva korkeakoulutus 5.0 – mistä on kyse? UAS Journal 2/2020.
Konst T. & Scheinin M. (2020). Kestävä tulevaisuus Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa – opiskelijoiden havaintoja ja ehdotuksia. TALK-verkkolehti 27.1.2020.
Konst T., Scheinin M. (2020). Why Education 4.0 is not enough – Education for Sustainable Future. EduLearn20 Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4.
Konst T., Scheinin M. (2019). Muuttuva työ ilmastonmuutoksen aikana – näkemyksiä ja ideoita. TALK-verkkolehti 24.9.2019.
Konst T. (2020). Towards posthumanistic curricula in higher education. Human and Nature. Research Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences 50, pp. 169-182
Konst T. (2019). Embedding Posthumanism in Higher Education. Trace: Finnish Journal for Human-Animal Studies. Vol 5, 2019.
Kairisto-Mertanen L., Konst T. (2020). Redesigning Education - Visions and Practices. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 130; Turku.
Circular Economy
Sustainable development in education