Documents' publicity description
Everyone has the right to obtain information on the public documents of higher education institutions.
Turku University of Applied Sciences maintains the description on the publicity of documents in accordance with the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019). The description on the publicity of documents provides a general description on the case register and information pools of Turku University of Applied Sciences and the data contained by them. The purpose of the description on the publicity of documents is to facilitate information retrieval and submitting information requests from the public documents of Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Some of the information pools of Turku University of Applied Sciences contain data which is considered confidential based on the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999, Section 24). The documents concerning an individual are not public and in principle, the data is disclosed only to the individual in question. When requesting the personal data of another person it must be specified which legitime right the person submitting the request has for obtaining the data.
Submitting an information request
If you wish to view a specific document or a part of a document, please submit an information request. In your information request, describe in as much detail as possible what information you want and which document(s) the information request concerns. Also indicate how you would like the documents to be delivered to you.
You can submit the information requests to the Registry of Turku University of Applied Sciences either electronically to the address or in writing to Turku University of Applied Sciences, Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku, Finland. The Registry will register the information request and submit it to the correct party for processing.
Answers to information requests are provided without delay, but at the latest within two weeks. If the request applies extensive document entities or the documents contain confidential parts, the request will be answered to within a month.
Information requests for personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation
According to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU2016/679), the data subject has the right to obtain the information from the controller on whether the controller processes their personal data. Information requests concerning personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation are submitted with a separate form see more information on the Data Protection page.
Case register
Turku University of Applied Sciences maintains a case register of pending issues, the processing stages of the issues and the related documents. The case register fulfils the statutory principle of publicity of documents and ensures the retrievability of information.
Information pools
Information pools refer to the entity of datasets created in connection with completing the statutory duties and other activities of Turku University of Applied Sciences. In connection with each information pool, the datasets included in the information pool, the central information systems related to the information pool, examples on search parameters and a description of processing of personal data in the information pool are described.
Information pool of administrative issues and management
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool on administrative issues and management includes information and documents related to:
- the direction of administrative issues
- decision-making and management
- agreements
- security and precautionary measures
- legal issues and
- domestic cooperation.
Openly accessible datasets
Information systems and search parameters
In principle, the datasets of the information pool are processed in the case management system and contract management system. Examples on the search parameters: title or date of the decision (decisions), the time or body of the meeting or title of the meeting matter (meeting matters) and the name of the contractual partner or title of the agreement (agreements).
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the privacy notice Case management. More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of enterprise resource planning
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of enterprise resource planning includes the information and documents related to:
- the planning, organization, and development of the operations and
- quality management.
The datasets of enterprise resource planning and quality management include e.g., data and documents related to long-term plans of action, plans of action, quartal reporting, assessments (e.g., self-assessment), internal and external audits, feedback, indicators, risk management, reporting and statistics.
Openly accessible datasets
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Information pool of human resources management
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of human resources management includes the data and documents related to:
- the planning and direction of HR issues,
- employment relationship issues,
- recruitment,
- development of competence and
- occupational health and safety, industrial cooperation, and well-being at work.
Openly accessible datasets
Of the documents and data included in the information pool, open positions at Turku UAS are available on Turku UAS’ website. The contact information of Turku UAS’ members of staff can be searched with the people search on Turku UAS’ website.
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets of the information pool are processed in the information system of human resources management, in the recruitment system, in the salary calculation system, in the working time monitoring system, in Turku UAS’ intranet and the case management system. Examples of search parameters: a person’s name and social security number or job title to which recruitment is carried out.
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices
- Staff (in the intranet only)
- Recruitment
- Working time monitoring (in the intranet only)
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of financial administration
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of financial administration includes the data and documents related to:
- financial planning and monitoring
- accounting and payments
- funding and fund-raising
- property management
- planning and implementation of procurements.
Openly accessible datasets
The financial statements are available on
the website of Turku UAS
(in Finnish).
Information and documents related to procurements are openly accessible as follows:
The open contract notices and invitations to tender below the national threshold level are available in the service for notices on public procurements. The invitations to tender below the threshold level are available in the Cloudia service for small-scale procurements (in Finnish). Turku UAS also utilizes the competitive tendering processes carried out by Hansel Oy and the City of Turku.
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets of the information pool are processed in the financial administration system, in the travel management system, in the project portfolio management system, in the customer relationship management system, in the equipment management system, in the case management system and Turku UAS’ intranet. Examples on search parameters: cost pool, order number, supplier, customer, or date of the event.
The data related to the planning and implementation of procurements are processed in the case management system, in the Cloudia small-scale procurement system and in the HILMA system. Examples on search parameters: topic or time of the competitive tendering.
The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices
- Taloushallinto (in Finnish)
- Varainhankinta (in Finnish)
- Travel management (in the intranet only)
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of education
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of education includes the documents related to:
- planning and organization of teaching
- admissions and student selection
- students.
Openly accessible datasets
Of the data and documents related to the information pool, e.g., the information on the studies offered are available in the Studyinfo service. You can also search for information on the studies offered with the study search on Turku UAS’ website. Descriptions of the degree programmes and courses, the timetables and extent of the studies and the ongoing and upcoming implementations can be found in the study guide . Theses can be read in electronic format in the Theseus database. More information on the documents related to your studies (e.g. registration certificates and transcripts of records) can be found on the pages of the Student Office.
Information systems and search parameters
In principle, the datasets of the information pool are processed in the Studyinfo service, in the study information system, in the online learning environment and in the case management system. Examples on search parameters: student’s name, student id code, social security number, name of the course or name of the degree programme / study option.
The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the privacy notice TUAS students. More information on processing the personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of research, development and innovation activities and business related to teaching
Information pool of international mobility
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of international mobility includes the data and documents related to:
- agreements on international mobility and
- the international mobility of the students and staff.
Openly accessible datasets
Information on international mobility is available on the website of Turku UAS, at Studying at UAS and Exchange Students.
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets of the information pool are processed in the case management system and mobility management system of Turku UAS. Examples on search parameters: exchange programme, exchange institution, target country, country of origin, field of study or social security number.
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices:
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of Library and Information Services
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of Library and Information Services includes
- the data and documents related to the planning, development and production of library and information services
- the data related to patronage of the library (library patron register)
- the library collections and materials
- theses published in the open repository
- Turku UAS’ self-archived publications
- the information on the publications produced by Turku UAS
- the data and documents related to the development and direction of case management and archiving and
- the permanently archived documents of Turku UAS.
Openly accessible datasets
The library materials can be browsed with
Turku UAS’ Finna service.
Electronic theses and Turku UAS’ self-archived publications can be read in
the Theseus database.
The library patrons may view their own information related to their library patronage (e.g., contact information, loans, reservations, fees) by logging in
Turku UAS’ Finna.
The data on the publications produced by Turku UAS can be retrieved in the national portal
in which also contains a link to the publication if it’s open access.
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets related to the information pool are mainly processed in the library system. Examples on search parameters which can be used to retrieve information in the system: library card number or social security number.
In saving the publication data, the national storing service of publication information is utilized. The search parameters include e.g. the information of the publication.
Documents and data related to case management and archiving are processed in the case management system and intranet of Turku UAS.
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices:
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of information management
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of information management includes the data and documents related to:
- the development and direction of information management
- the installation, utilization, and maintenance (incl. management of user rights) of information systems and devices and
- data protection and data security.
The dataset of data protection and data security includes e.g., processing and impact assessment of data security breaches and fault situation and the related documents.
Openly accessible datasets
Of the documents and data included in the information pool, privacy notices are available on Turku UAS’ website.
Information systems and search parameters
Tickets/support requests are processed in the Service Desk system. Examples on search parameters: ticket number or the person’s name.
Information related to the user rights of information systems are processed in the user management system.
Data and documents related to data security and data protection are mainly processed in the case management system and Turku UAS’ intranet.
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the privacy notice Service Desk and service-specific customer service channels. More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of communications and marketing
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of communications and marketing includes data and documents related to:
- the planning, development, and direction of communications
- the implementation of communications and
- publication activities.
The dataset of the implementation of communications includes external communications, internal communications, marketing, communications in a state of emergency and public relations and stakeholder communications.
Openly accessible datasets
On the For media web page you can find e.g., the graphic instructions and logo of Turku UAS, a link to our open photo bank and media releases. On the web page Turku UAS’ publications you can find more information on our publications and can browse the publications of Turku UAS.
Information systems and search parameters
The datasets of communications and marketing are processed in Turku UAS’ intranet, online communication platforms, customer relationship management system and newsletter system. Examples on search parameters: name, email, or time. In publication activities, the search parameters include e.g. the name of the author or publication.
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices
- Turku UAS website
- Talk online magazine
- Stakeholder activities
- Privacy notice for pages in the WP environment of Turku University of Applied Sciences
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.
Information pool of facilities management
The datasets and purpose of the information pool
The information pool of facilities management includes the data and documents related to:
- the use, maintenance, and services of the facilities and
- key management, video surveillance and access control.
Openly accessible datasets
The campuses of Turku University of Applied Sciences can be found on Turku UAS’ website.
Information systems and search parameters
The data related to the information pool are mainly processed in the key management system, access control system, the movable property and equipment management system and in the video surveillance system.
Examples on search parameters: address, name or location of a facility, time (video surveillance), name or key as a unique identifier (key management), name, number of access control tag, door, or time (access control).
The datasets of the systems are not openly accessible. The data may be entirely or partly confidential.
Processing personal data in the information pool
Processing personal data in the information pool is described in the following privacy notices
- Video surveillance
- Access control (in the intranet only)
- Key management (in the intranet only)
More information on processing personal data at Turku UAS is available on the page Data protection.