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Page updated 14.8.2024

For new path students

Congratulations on your path study place and welcome to Turku University of Applied Sciences!

This page contains information and instructions for path studies, as well as group-specific information on orientation locations and times. Please be sure to familiarise yourself with these instructions immediately after accepting a path study place.

Checklist for the first day of studies:

  • Make sure you have read and understood the information on this page.
  • Check the time and location of your group specific orientation at the bottom of this page.
  • Take a photo ID with you on the first day.
  • Bring your own laptop - Turku UAS has increased the use of students’ own devices in studies. 



A few steps before studies begin

1. Activate your user ID and MFA

Activate your user ID at https://id.turkuamk.fi . Students without a Finnish social security number can apply for a user ID by registering a foreigner’s user identifier.

You can usually activate your user ID a few days after accepting your study place on Studyinfo.fi. If you are unable to activate the user ID, try again in a few days. In case of continuing problems with activation, please contact servicedesk@turkuamk.fi.

Activating your user ID in the ID service requires Finnish online banking credentials or mobile ID for authentication. After activating your user ID, you will receive your user ID, email address and student ID code. Please write them down!

Turku University of Applied Sciences user IDs require multi-factor authentication (MFA). Please register MFA after activating your user ID. Read the instructions at https://www.tuas.fi/mfa.

2. Get a head start and go online with DigiStart

Start your path studies by completing your first steps as a Turku UAS student. DigiStart gives you all you need to know about studying at Turku UAS before your actual studies start. You will learn about various aspects of your studies here, such as our approach to studying, the tools we use, and support for studies. You will receive a badge after successful completion of the course.

The course is available on our online learning environment, itslearning. Please follow the instructions below to start the course:

  • Log in at https://turkuamk.itslearning.com
  • Select ’Login with HAKA’ and use the ID that you received when you activated your Turku UAS user ID
  • On the front page of itslearning, please choose ’Courses’ and then click on 'DigiStart Autumn 2024'
  • Follow the instructions given on the course page.

You can access DigiStart course as soon as you have activated your Turku UAS user ID. It is a good idea to start the course straight away, so that you have the best possible start for your path studies. Once you are familiar with the approaches and tools for learning, you are ready to start your studies at Turku UAS!

DigiStart is available in English and Finnish. The language is determined according to your path studies programme.

If you cannot find DigiStart course in itslearning, you can join the course by yourself. Choose in itslearning Courses > All courses > Site course catalogue and join the DigiStart course.

If you need help with DigiStart, please contact us at: digistartti@turkuamk.fi

3. Download Tuudo, a mobile app for students

Download Tuudo mobile application as soon as you have received information about study place in Turku UAS. Tuudo is available for Android and iOS mobile devices. Find Turku University of Applied Sciences in the menu and choose New Student button when you can access the content without logging in.

In Tuudo, you can see for example campus maps and general news for students. Later when you have activated your user ID and log in to Tuudo, you can also see your personal timetable, follow the progress of your studies and reserve rooms for studying. You can also start using Tuudo's digital Open UAS student card which entitles you to a small discount at selected student restaurants.



Get started with your path studies

A quick guide for the start of path studies – orientation

Once you have accepted a path study place on Studyinfo.fi, carefully familiarise yourself with the information on this page.

Path students participate in the degree studies orientation. The times and location of orientation can be found in the discipline-specific instructions at the bottom of this page. During orientation, you will get to know TUAS study practices, teachers and other group members.

The orientation days are a compulsory part of the studies. If for compelling reasons you are unable to participate in the orientation or have been accepted to path studies after orientation has already started, please concact the Study Guidance Counselor of your field. Their contact information can be found in the discipline-specific instructions at the bottom of this page.

Please be sure to bring a picture ID and your laptop with you to orientation. It is recommended that you arrive on foot, by bike or by public transportation, as parking near our campuses is very limited.

If you are offered a path study place after orientation has already started, have a look at the instructions below.

During orientation, you can expect to have lunch in a student cafeteria on campus. To get the small discount available to Open UAS path students, please be sure to download Tuudo and log in with your Turku UAS user ID before your first day. With the discount, the price of a meal will be around 5–7 €. 

Please be aware that the time and location of orientation may change just before orientation starts. Be sure to check the schedule at the bottom of this page regularly, and write down the name and information of your contact person. 

What to do if you are accepted after studies have started

New path students can be selected from the waiting list for a few weeks after studies have started. If you are accepted after the first day of orientation, here's what to do:

  • Accept your path study place on Studyinfo.fi and register as attending.
  • Read the instructions on this page.
  • Contact the programme contact person mentioned in the orientation information at the bottom of this page.They will give you detailed instructions on how to join in the studies.
  • There is usually a delay of a few business days between accepting a study place and Turku UAS user ID becoming available for activation. If needed, you can get started with your studies without the user ID. 

Once the waiting list is closed, no new path students can be accepted. Only path students selected in the path studies application on Studyinfo.fi can participate in path studies. 

Study Guide, Lukkarikone and Messi

​During orientation week, you will be instructed on how to select courses in the Peppi system, and get information on using TUAS systems. You do not have to enroll on path studies courses by yourself in advance. You should, however, familiarise yourself with the following sites:

  • The Study Guide contains the degree programmes’ courses, their extent and timing. On the study guide, you can view 1st year courses separately from the following academic years. The ongoing and future implementations of courses are also listed in the study guide.
  • On Lukkarikone  you can see teaching schedules and check teaching facilities. You can also see group-specific schedules of implementations. You can find your own schedule by filtering "group search" and by filling in your study group ID in the box. Then press search and add the group ID to the schedule. Your study group ID can be found in the table at the bottom of the page. 
  • Messi  is the Turku UAS intranet, where you can find necessary instructions for studying. Study-related news are updated on Messi, and students are expected to check the news weekly. Log in to Messi with your Turku UAS user ID. 



General information on path studies

Duration of Path Studies

Your path study right at Turku UAS  is for one academic year (i.e. two semesters). Hence, your study right ends either on 31 July (those who started their studies in the autumn) or 31 December (those who started in the spring).

You cannot apply for an extension of your path studies. If you are unable to complete the required credits by the end of the application period for separate application through Open UAS, you can select courses from the Open Studies individual course selection. The courses are subject to a charge. Please note that courses from all fields or all courses are not offered.

Study fee

Open UAS path studies are subject to a study fee, which you must pay at the start of your studies. For our cancellation policy, please see the following link:

The study fee for Bachelor's level path studies one year in duration is 400 €. The study fee for Master's level path studies is 300 €. 

You will receive e-mail instructions for paying the study fee at the start of your studies. The e-mail will contain the payment deadline, and an e-form link for payment.

Please note that payment of the study fee is a requirement for participating in path studies. Open UAS study fees only apply to Open UAS studies. If you are later selected as a degree student, you may be subject to a tuition fee. 

If you have any questions concerning your study fee, please contact Open UAS at avoinamk@turkuamk.fi. 

Benefits and services for path students

​As a path student, you complete your studies in degree students' groups, and are part of the Turku UAS student community. Path studies do not lead to a degree, so some of your benefits and rights differ from those of degree students. However, many services offered to degree students also apply to path students. Please see below for a list of benefits available to you!

As a path student, you can...

  • get a small discount from student cafeterias in Turku with an electronic Open UAS student card
  • apply for a student apartment from Turku Student Village Foundation 
  • get a student discount for a Föli travel card (more specific instructions to follow)
  • become a member of Student Union TUO and order a green student card 
  • obtain user rights to CampusSport sport services
  • utilise Study Counselling Psychologist’s services
  • complete Open Studies evening courses free of charge (not currently available)
  • complete CampusOnline courses free of charge
  • complete practical training as a part of your studies
  • use the same software and complete the same certificates as degree students
  • apply for a degree study right at TUAS through Open UAS separate application

Path students cannot...

  • receive student financial aid or a student loan from KELA (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
  • get student discounts from VR or Matkahuolto
  • utilize student health care services (YTHS)
  • have their prior studies accredited: credit transfer for possible earlier studies can be obtained only in degree studies

Open UAS student card

Path students are not eligible for student financial aid or meal subsidy from Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland). TUAS provides path students with an electronic Open UAS student card, with which you can get a small discount at student restaurants in Turku (Unica, Sodexo) and on Salo IoT campus. You can also use your electronic Open UAS student card to obtain a discount for a Föli travel card.

Your electronic student card is available on the Tuudo mobile app. After logging in, please see the menu in the top left corner of your screen, under the TUAS logo. Your Open UAS student card must state that you are a path student in order to be valid.

For specific discount amounts and instructions for obtaining the discount, please ask at the restaurant in question.

Path studies as a TE Office or Kuntakokeilu client

If you are a TE Office or Kuntakokeilu client and have questions concerning your unemployment benefits, please contact the TE Office or Kuntakokeilu official in charge of your case. 

If you need a TE Office or Kuntakokeilu form (e.g. TEM621) filled out, please follow the instructions below.

  • Accept the path study place on Studyinfo.fi. We can only fill out forms for path students who have bindingly accepted a path study place.
  • TEM621 or KK 621 forms: you can request the form by sending an e-mail to avoinamk@turkuamk.fi. 
  • Any other forms for TE Office or Kuntakokeilu: please fill in your own information on the form in an electornic, editable format (e.g. PDF). Send the pre-filled form to avoinamk@turkuamk.fi. 

We will send the filled out form back to you by e-mail. Please note that there may be delays in processing these forms at the beginning of each semester (August–September and January).

Turku UAS is obligated to provide information on your studies to officials upon request. 

NB! If you are unemployed and wisth to complete path studies while registered as a job seeker at TE Office or Kuntakokeilu, you may need to complete less than 5 ECTS credits per month. In this case, please let Open UAS know of your situation when you request a TE Office or Kuntakokeilu form. We will then fill in the scope of your path studies as 35 ECTS credits. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that your studies do not exceed the credit limit set by TE Office or Kuntakokeilu.

Discontinuing path studies

Your path study right is valid for one academic year, either from 1 January to  31 December or 1 August to 31 July. Your path study right will expire automatically after the year is up.

If you need to discontinue your path studies during the academic year, you must submit a resignation announcement (e-form).

E-mail notifications or other modes of cancellation are not sufficient, and your teacher cannot discontinue your path studies for you.

Cancellation policy

Accepting a study place on Studyinfo.fi is binding. By accepting a study place on Studyinfo.fi, you agree to pay the Open UAS study fee for the studies in question. For more details and information on cancellation fees, please see our cancellation policy. 

Discontinuing Open UAS studies when transferring to degree studies

Open UAS path studies are one year in duration. If you apply for a degree study right before the end of your second semester, please be sure to submit a cancellation form to end your path studies. Open UAS will not be informed of your new degree study right otherwise.

Please make sure to submit a resignation announcement if...

  • You are accepted as a degree student through joint application during your path studies
  • You are accepted as a degree student through separate application during the first semester of your path studies
  • You are accepted as a degree student at a different higher education institution and wish to discontinue your path studies

You are not required to submit a resignation announcement if you are accepted as a degree student at the end of your second semester of path studies. 

Applying for a degree study right after path studies

You cannot complete a degree as a path student. 

After completing your path studies, you can apply for a degree study right through Open UAS separate application.

Please see the website on separate applications for more information on applying, application schedules and admission criteria. 

Application to Bachelor’s degree studies through Open UAS separate application takes place twice a year. Application to Master’s degree studies through Open UAS separate application is ongoing, apart from December and June–August. 

To be eligible to apply through Open UAS separate application, you are required to have completed a certain number of credits by the end of the application period. A minimum grade average may also be set, which you must achieve to be able to apply. If there are more applicants than starting places, students are selected based on the grade average. 

Path students can also apply in the joint application.

Who do I contact?

​As a path student, you can get support from several different parties. Please get to know the descriptions on the areas of responsibility below, so that you know whom you should contact.

Study guidance counsellor

Please see the discipline specific instructions on orientation at the bottom of this page for the name and contact details of your study guidance counsellor. You can contact your study guidance counsellor for e.g. the following:

  • Planning of studies
  • Contents of the studies
  • Questions related to studying and implementation of teaching,
  • Encountering bullying and other difficult situations in life

Tutor teacher

You will be assigned a tutor teacher during orientation. You can contact your tutor teacher for the following:

  • Individual study plan (ISP) and planning the studies
  • Structure of the first year of studies
  • Questions related to practical training
  • Using Peppi and enrolments on Peppi
  • Encountering bullying


Teachers of individual courses are responsible for answering questions regarding the following:

  • Course contents and methods of implementation
  • Course timetables
  • Enrolment for implementations and rejecting enrolments
  • The itslearning workspace

Peer tutor

Your peer tutor is a student who has started their studies in previous years, and who will help you during the first year of studies. In addition, sports tutors bring students to exercise together. You can get in touch with your peer tutor on the following matters:

  • Studying and student life
  • Questions on the city and region
  • Student events
  • Encountering bullying

Student union TUO

You can access the services offered by TUO for path students once you have become a member of TUO.

Benefits to joining TUO:

  • Expert services (e.g. problem situations related to leases, employment relationships, cohabitation or marriage)
  • Harassment officer
  • TUO’s events
  • Support in the studies
  • Club activities

Open UAS (avoinamk@turkuamk.fi)

Please contact Open UAS with questions regarding the following:

  • Applying for a degree study right throuhg Open UAS separate application
  • Invoicing
  • Filling Employment office forms
  • Transcripts of records or registration certificates
  • Questions related to discontinuing the studies

IT services

Please contact IT services at servicedesk@turkuamk.fi with any questions concerning your Turku UAS user ID or Turku UAS systems, websites or applications.



Time and date of orientation for new path students

Below you will find the start date and place of your programme, your study group ID and contact details. Changes to the instructions are possible. Please follow the information on this page. 

Please bring a valid ID with you to orientation. 

Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communications Technology, Autumn 2024

Orientation info:

  • Study group ID: PINFOS24
  • Starting date and time: 29 August 2024. Registration at 9 am, orientation starts at 10 am.
  • Starting place: Auditorium Alpha, ICT-City
  • Contact person: Study guidance counsellor Ulla Niittyinperä

If you need information on teaching schedules after orientation, preliminary timetables for the first weeks of Autumn semester 2024 are available on lukkari.turkuamk.fi. You can find your own schedule by filtering "group search" and by filling in your study group ID in the box. Then press search and add the group ID to the schedule. Your study group ID can be found in the table at the bottom of the page.  

Please note that changes to timetables are possible and you should always check the timetable before lessons.

Master's level path studies, Autumn 2024

Master's degree Study Group ID Starting date and time Starting place Contact information Note
Master of Business Administration, Interactive Technologies YINTBS24 2.9.2024
at 8.30 am

Principal lecturers Juha Nikkanen
and Werner Ravyse

Information letter

Master of Business Administration, Quality Management, Online  YQMBS24V 2.9.2024
at 8.30 am

Senior lecturer Heidi Salokangas

Information letter
Master of Business Administration, Service Design YSERVIS24 2.9.2024
at 8.30 am

Senior lecturer Ulla Seppälä-Kaven

Information letter
Master of Engineering, Interactive Technologies YINTES24 2.9.2024
at 8.30 am
Online Senior lecturers Juha Nikkanen
and Werner Ravyse
Information letter
Master of Engineering, Quality Management, Online YQMES24V 2.9.2024
at 8.30 am
Online Senior lecturer Heidi Salokangas Information letter