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Turku UAS' multidisciplinary RDI projects develop products, services and processes for different needs in working life.
Page updated 10.3.2014

RDI projects at Turku UAS

Cooperation with companies, public sector and communities is a vital part of a successful project. Use the search and filters below to discover our ongoing and completed RDI projects. See more projects on Finnish pages.

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Projects 429 search results

360ViSi – Interactive 360° video simulation
3D Printing for Personalized Medicine and Customized Drug Delivery - 3D-CURE
4K – Comprehensive and Sustainable CyberSecurity
6Aika: CarbonWise
6Aika: CircVol – Utilization of Side Streams and Masses of Soil in Cities
6Aika: Low Carbon Transport in Mobility Hubs
6Aika: New Solutions in City Logistics
6Aika: The Smart Learning Environments of the Future
A Digital Program for Sexual Education in Secondary Schools (EDDIS)
A Regional Ecosystem for Continuous Learning
A Woman of Her Own – Advancing the Working Life Skills of Women with Disabilities
ActiveWorkSpace – Environmental satisfaction in active-based offices
ADAFI: Adaptive Fidelity Digital Twins for Robust and Intelligent Control Systems
ADMO, 5G-Advanced for Digitalization of Maritime Operations
Agricultural water management park
AIIS - Artificial Intelligence, Innovation & Society, the future of medicine
AIRBORNE – Spreading of Airborne Infections in Hospitals
Allied ICT Finland (AIF)
Ålönlahti pilot
ÄlyVESI – Intelligent waterborne traffic
ANOJANSSI – Metrics of Noise Annoyance
APN-EDU – Development of Advanced Practice Education Competences in Nordic and Baltic Region
Application Laboratory for 3D Printing of Recycled Plastic
Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH)
ARPA – Applied Research Platform for Autonomous Systems
ARTHEWE - Multiform Pedagogy in Arts, Health and Wellbeing Education
Artisan’s Journey
Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region
ARVO – Multiprofessional support for life management through network
AuNe – Automation in networks
AV UP – New Skills for the AV Industry
Baltic Flows – Monitoring and management of flowing rain water in Baltic Sea catchment areas
BANISTER – Baltic Nordic Sensory Integration
Be Smart Senior (BESS)
BECOME - Boosting Circular Economy Expertise through Learning Communities
Become an Engineer in Finland
Bike across the Baltic - Improving bicycle tourism around the Baltic Sea
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE – Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe
BioDemo - Demonstrating the Value Chains of a New Field of Industry
BioDigi – Digital Online Portal for Biomedical Laboratory Science
Biodiversea LIFE IP
BioTriCK BLS Triangular Centre of Knowledge
BSR Electric – Fostering e-Mobility Solutions in Urban Areas in the Baltic Sea Region
Business and Work Well-Being from Nature
Business Ecosystems in Effective Exergaming (BEE)
Cancer Survivor Smart Card (smartCARE)
Car dismantling - material recovery, reuse and recyclability of new products
Care of Pressure and Venous Ulcers in Simulation Environment
CARPE-ESSENCE – sustainable urban planning
Centre for Additive Manufacturing for Life Science and Pharmaceutical Industry
CEWP Water and Urbanisation – China-EU Cooperation on Sponge Cities
CHAllenGE 4S - Challenge transition for a shipbuilding sector smart skills change
CHECKIT HE – Countering Hate and Extremism on Campus – Knowledge Innovation and Training in Higher Education
ChemClimCircle - Integrating criteria for chemicals, climate and circularity in procurement processes
CIELO – Innovative Curriculum for Latin America to build capacity in HEIs to prevent obesity
Circular Economy Catalysts: From Innovation to Business Ecosystems (CICAT2025)
Circular Economy Competence to Universities of Applied Sciences
Circular economy park Lounapuisto
Circular Tiedepuisto area in Turku as a living lab for solutions promoting Circular Economy
CircVol 2 – Utilization of side streams and masses of soil in the cities
Circwaste – Towards Circular Economy
Climate University
CLIPPER – Creating a Leadership for Maritime Industries – New Opportunities in Europe
COACH – Intelligent Human Technology Co-agency in Process Control
Cognitive Radio Test Environment ++ (CORE++)
CoMe Stronger – Elderly men go to the museum
Come4Global - Competence fostering on mental health literacy for global nursing education
COMMUNE – Co-Produced Mental Health Nursing Education
Community well-being work in vocational education
CoMoViWo - Communication in Mobile and Virtual Work
Competence model for enhancing the appeal of elderly care
Comprehensive cyber security of water supply in Southwest Finland
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Skills Education Programme for Nurses – Can You See the Big Picture?
Condition and Accessibility Assessment (KuntoArvi)
Construction site stormwater management training
Continuing education for social and health care professionals - the Road Map for Life Long Learning
Continuing Professional Education for nurses granted with a Diploma in General Nursing or Bachelor in Nursing outside the EU/EEA
CoSIE - Co-creation of Service Innovation in Europe
CoSki21 – Core Skills for the 21st Century Professionals
CreDev – Creativity Development in Adult Education 2017–2019
CreICT - Creating New Possibilities for Well-being through ICT
CREVE 2.0 - an incubator for business in creative industries
CSG (Cybersecurity governance of Operational Technology in sector connected smart energy networks and operational technology)
Cyber Security Protector
DanceMe UP
DEEVA – Using Data and Experiences in Novel Ecosystem Value Co-Creation
DefenceArch - Footprints of Defence in the Archipelago
DEMS – Developing e-marketing skills for the business market
Developing Preparatory Studies for Immigrants in Higher Education
Developing Rauhalinna into Urban Runoff Model Area
Developing the functionality of undersized wetlands
Development of digital research infrastructure for manufacturing dental appliances in Turku campus area (DiTeDe)
Development of preparing for oil spill prevention in the Archipelago Sea area (OIL)
Development of Waterway Transport with Automation and AI (RoboSea)
Digi-JouJou – Flexible Swedish and Finnish Language Learning for Future Working Life Needs
DigiCanTrain – Digital Skills Training for Health Care Professionals in Oncology
Digio – Digital opportunities for sales and customer relationship management
Digisosku - Social Rehabilitation and Mental Health in the Digital World
Digital Career Stories - Opening new career paths for arts and culture students
Digital Health Knowledge network
Digital learning safety environment for primary school students - further development and dissemination
Digital Open Badges in Sustainable Tourism
Digital Skills - Digital Skills for Future Working Life
Digital Skills for Efficient Use
Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education I-BOX project
DIVA – Towards Smart Sales through Creating Value in Business-to-Business Markets
DOMINO - Educational mobile application for prevention of Domestic Violence
Dry sanitation and waste management projects in Swaziland
DUUNI – From Parenting Skills to Working Life Strength
DuuniPolku (6Aika) – Developing and Testing Services and Models to Promote Employment and Entrepreneurship
e-Hospitality – Digital hospitality and empathy for digital tourism service encounters in the new normal
EAGLE - CovEring the trAining Gap in digital skills for European SMEs manpowEr
Earning Logic and Models for Artists (TaideART)
EASI – Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration
eBussed – Building capacities for European-wide e-bus deployment
EduCanNURS - Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education
eFöli - Starting the Electric Bus Traffic in Turku
EHECADI project - creates European Health Final Dissertation with international focus
eMAMA - Developing Post Graduate Training Programme for MaternalMental Health in Sub‐Saharan Africa
EMPEREST - Eliminating Micro-Pollutants from Effluents for REuse STrategies
ENCARE - Enhancing Capacities of UAS staff for more successful EU-funded Research
Energy-efficient Diesel Engines of the 2010s
Engaging Physiotherapists and gymnasts in the digital performance of their profession for distance guidance in physical exercise
EOSC-ENTRUST: A European Network of TRUSTed research environments (EOSC-ENTRUST)
ERCCI – Empowering Residential Child Care through Interprofessional Training
EthCo – For Better Ethical Safety in Future health care environments
EURANIM – Boosting Careers of Young Animation Artists with Video-Mapping
Evaluation Research in the KomPAssi Project
Fast Wow Effects Boosting SME Business
FDA - Finnish Design Academy
FINCODA – Framework for Innovation Competencies Development and Assessment
FISS Southwest Finland
FORCE – Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education
Foresight Academy of Southwest Finland
Formative Assessment for Foreign Language Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (FAB)
Forward Together – Promoting Students’ Well-Being and the Sense of Community
Gamified Solutions in Healthcare
GeoICT4e - Social innovations in Geo-ICT education at Tanzanian HEIs for improved employability
Getting Unstuck
Good, Better, Productive! (PATU)
Green 3D-printing for Dental Appliances
Green Exercise for the Heart and Mind
Green mobility chains
GreenSAM – Green Silver Age Mobility
Hallå TVÅ
Hallå! – Two Languages, a Thousand Opportunities
HEALTH-X – Health and social service providers as health tech accelerators
HEAT – Participatory urban planning for healthier urban communities
HEAWATER – Achieving Healthier Water Quality in Urban Small Rivers of the Baltic Sea Catchment by Restoration of Water Bodies and Preventing of Nutrients and Hazardous Substances Inflow from Watersheds
HUKATON – Waste Heat Utilization and Storage and More Efficient Demand Response
ICEX – Innovative and Culturally Sensitive Educational Package for Migrants' Sexual Health Education
Improving the occupational safety of emergency medical services workers – An approach to preventing customer violence
In Public, In Particular (IPIP)
INDOPED – Active Learning Practices to Indonesian Higher Education Institutions
Industrial Internet Reference Architecture for Medical Platforms - RAMP
INEC - Increasing Ethical Competence in Midwifery Education and Practice
InnoScope – success in changed circumstances through entrepreneurs’ sustainable innovations
INNOSTAMO– entrepreneurship, new learning environments, models and the development of services to support the
Innovative Social Investment: Strenghtening Communities in Europe (InnoSI)
Innovative – Simulation Pedagogy for Academic Development (iSPAD)
Innovative, equally accessible teaching model for infection control: from nursing students to the general population
Integrated water management plan for the Turku Region
Intelligent Foresight – Sustainable Growth 2020-2022
INTENSE – International Entrepreneurship Skills in Europe
INTOKE – Developing the Competence and Know-How of Building Information Modeling in Infrastructure
IRIS - Introducing Reverse Innovation Model to HEI in Tanzania
ISMO – Intelligent and sustainable stormwater management
JOBITTI - Flexible Paths Towards Working Life - Development of education cooperation in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors
KampusART – the Kupittaa Campus arts programme 2018–2021
KAPU – Better cycling networks and services trough cooperation
KEMUSOTE - Light entrepreneurship and resilience as an enhancer for conditions and work well-being in social andhealthcare sector
Kiertotalous-AMK – Circular economy services in Finnish universities of applied sciences
KIRA CIRCULARIS - Circular economy products, services and innovations in the real estate and construction industry
Knowledge base for consumers in circular economy
KOKOMA – Developing Highly Educated Immigrants' Entrepreneurial Skills
KOMOTYÖ – Towards Multicultural Work Community
KOTEK – Specialization Education in Using Modern Technology in Home Care of Elderly People
KuPe – Availability and Allocation of Safety and Emergency Services for Municipal Citizens
KYKY – Higher Education Institutions Enabling the Growth of the Competiveness of Companies
LÄMPÖÄ – Business from Thermal Energy Storage
LeaderSHIP - Learning European Alliance for Digital, Environmental and Resilient Shipbuilding
Lean Growth – Towards Experimental and Productive Working Life with Internal Lean Startup Practices
Learning coach for high school
LIFE Chemical Ambassadors for Europe
Life Science Accelerator
LISS24 – Learn – Innovate – Sell – Succeed
Looking for a Peer
Low-carbon harbour operations
LukioTEKO – Development of Working Life Cooperation in Upper Secondary Schools
Luotsi – Development of welfare management and regional cooperation models in educational institutions
MaDaMe - Maritime Data Methods for Safe Shipping
Making public transport digital services more age-friendly
MaMaCo – Material Management in Shipbuilding Ecosystem Co-Creation
Marine Engineering – Cluster of Competence in Marine Engines
Medallion – Medical AI and Immersion
Media as a dismantler of inequalities
MEET − Inclusive Emergency
MEGA – Building Capacity by Implementing mhGAP Mobile Intervention in SADC Countries
Mental Health Support for Young Adults with Cancer (MELODIC)
MentalHigh – Raising Mental Health Awareness at Higher Education Institutes in Europe and Southeast Asia
Mentoring Buddy – Mentoring programme supporting transition to higher education
Meri-Erko - Training of Specialists for the Maritime Cluster by a Network of Higher Education Institutions
MESH - Employing immigrants via networks and mentoring
MitViDi - Green Metrics for Public Digitalization Acquisitions
Mobile Documentary Project Malaysia and Finland – Combined Methods for Learning Diving Experience
Mobile Hospital
MOMU, Moving towards Multiprofessional Work
Mongolian Mental Health Nurse Training: Post Graduate Diploma Curriculum Development and Implementation / (MoMeNT)
MONITOI - the well-being of employees in activity-based offices
Monitoring of Harbour Porpoise in Finnish Waters
Monitoring of Marine Alien Species
Motti - indoor environment and wellbeing in offices
Multi-skilled Librarians
Multicomponent Materials Centre of Expertise for Additive Manufacturing (MMAM)
Multiprofessional development of mentally structural situations and increasing crisis preparedness
Municipal business advisors supporting climate acts
MuPIC – Multidisciplinary Projects in an International Context
Mynälahti Environmental Co-operation -project
MYRSKY - Supporting the Resilience, Digitalization and Green Transition of SMEs (REACT Western Finland)
NÄKYMÄTTÖMÄT – Digital Stories by Youths
National network of online degrees
NeCom - Reducing the energy consumption of the interior of the cruise ship with new air conditioning and acoustic concepts, taking passengers’ environmental satisfaction into account
Necoverse - Next Generation Training, Design and Operation Environment Utilizing Industrial Metaverse
Nepal Way to a Sustainable Transformational Educational Programme (NEWSTEP)
Network for continuous learning in the water sector
New Battery Module
New Life for Metal Products
New Time Music 2.0 – New Technologies in Nordic/Baltic Music Education
NewWoW Crafting – New Ways of Working by Crafting Mobile and Multi-Locational Work
Next Level - Beak towards flexible and and sustainable growth
NHLL Nordic Health Living Lab
NIKO II – Health Promotion in the Daily Life of Youth
NIKO – Cancer Prevention and Health Promotion in the Daily Life of Nicotine Product Using Youth
NonHazCity – Innovative Management Solutions for Minimizing Emissions of Hazardous Substances from Urban Areas in the Baltic Sea Region
NonHazCity3 - Reducing hazardous substances in construction to safeguard the aquatic environment, protect human health and achieve more sustainable buildings
Nordic Audio Journalism Conference
NYRDI – Get across exeptional circumstances by digital knowhow of female entrepreneurs
OIVA – Identifying and applying professional skills in new professional contexts
OnBoard-Med – Harmonization of on Board Medical Treatment, Occupational Safety and Emergency Skills in Baltic Sea Shipping
OPEKOI 2 – Teacher foresees
OPEKOI – Teacher’s Foresight Skills
Open DaaS – Open Data as a Service
Open programming and database courses – training for those receiving temporary protection
OSAAMISRAKETTI to promote entrepreneurship and business competence
OSKE 3 – Path for immigrants’ competence development for Maahanmuuttajien osaamiskeskus 3
OSKE – Path for immigrants’ competence development for Maahanmuuttajien osaamiskeskus 2
OTE − Students promoting employment opportunities with the staff of Universities of Applied Sciences
OUTCOME - sustainable productive competence for future
PaaS Pilots – Product as a Service pilots
Papyrus – Professional Action and Practice for Youth Refugees and Asylum Seekers
PARTGO - Digital and Critical Views on Public Art Pedagogy
Path towards Summer Job 2030 – Bringing Young People and Working Life Together
PedaXR - new technology - new competence - new pedagogy
PELIMO – Possibilities of gamification in multicultural education
Perceived impact sound insulation of wooden floors
PHASE IV AI – Privacy compliant health data as a service for AI development
Pilot project: an innovation cluster of textile recycling
Please Consider Me! Children’s Social Involvement, Welfare and Safety in Early Childhood Education and Care
PODI – Paths and Services for Digital Guidance and Learning
POLKU - International Talents as Resource for Expanding Companies
PoraKONE – Responding to Local Structural Change in Economy by Augmenting Engineering Education
PrepProg – Preparatory programme for higher education studies in English
PRIVASA - Privacy Preserving AI for Synthetic and Anonymous Health Data
Productivity and well-being through digi competencies (DigiCompetent)
Productizing Finnish Lifestyle Tourism Services
Professional Media Presence, PMP
PUNC - Professional Uncertainty competence
QAEMarketPlace4HEI - Quality Assurance and Enhancement Marketplace for Higher Education Institutions
Räätäli – tools for information and language technology
RADICAL - Filling Skills Gaps in Blue Industry by Radical Competence Boost in Engineering VET
Rakennetaan hampusta – Hemp as Building Material
RDI-path for SMEs in South West Finland
React ERDF: KERPUR – Ceramic demolition waste in the circular economy
Reclaiming Stormwater Ecosystem Services by Education and Multi-actor Dialogue
REDI SOTE – Resource-wise digital social and health services
REDUCES – Rethinking Sustainable Development in European Regions by Using Circular Economy Business Models
Reed occurrence and biomasses by the Archipelago Sea
ReFresh Plus - Young art(ist)s refreshing heritage sites and legends
REGI Reacting to Growing Immigration
ReLeCo – The innovative blended learning concept for resource efficiency
Remote home care from the perspectives of employees' management and well-being at work
RENE− Renewing Ergonomic Education for Health Care Students in European HEIs
RESIST - Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology
Resource orientation and storytelling in health promotion
RESPONSE - Integrated Solutions for Positive Energy and Resilient Cities
RESPRO – Responsible leadership – Developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s
REVIVE Historical Centre, innovative living spaces for young generations
RISKSAFE - Risk prevention, risk management, freedom and flexibillity for older people and caregivers
Ruokohelmi III
Safe4Child – Trauma informed approaches to support staff working with children and adolescents exhibiting behaviors that challenge
SafeSea Test Platform
SARA - The use of domestic clay as a sustainable building material
SAUNAC – Sustainability Alliance of Urban Networks in Asian Cities
SCALE-UP - Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven SoLutions for ConnEcted Urban Poles
Schools’ sound environment from teachers perspective (ÄÄNIOPE)
SEASAC – South-East Asian Sales Competition
SeBNet – Smart Electric Bus Network Integration
Secure and Accurate Federated Learning as a Service (SA-FLaaS)
Senior Social Entrepreneurship
Shared leadership in project teams – The evolvement of shared leadership and its outcomes for productivity and well-being
SHEHAP - Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Secondary Schools
SIMBA - Simulation-based learning in Occupational Therapy Education
SimE - Project Simulation Pedagogy in Learning Ethics in Practice in Health Care
Simply4Emotions - Simulation Games for health professionals to develop skills for their emotional self-regulation
SINCOE - Supporting Innovation Competence Development in online education
SkäriHUB – co-working and wellbeing for microenterprises in Turku archipelago
Smart City Digital Twins
SMARTLY – Smart glasses supporting healthcare education, development and sharing of know how
SME Academy
SMErec – New Generation Recruitment Skills for SMEs and Workforce
SOFTEN - Embedding SOFt skills in sTem academic curricula for the transition to sustainable grEeN economy
Soiled Plastic Waste - Collecting and Recycling (LiMuKe)
Solarleap – more solar energy to Southwest Finland
Solutions for construction site stormwater management
SONOPE – The Disturbance of Shooting Range Noise
Southwest region employs
SparkUp Portti
STEPS4EU – Shaping The Engineers Personal & Interpersonal Skills for Enterprises & Universities
Strengthening digital competency and well-being at work in home care organizations
Stronger through peer instruction – inclusive peer instructions supporting students’ online instruction and well-being 2021–2022
Structural lime as a mean for water protection
Structural Solutions from Hemp
SUPER – sustainable performance and future for third sector organizations and SMEs in the health and social sector
Support4Resilience (S4R)
Supported by Nature - nature based solution learning sites for a sustainable Baltic Sea
Supporting the employment and working ability of carers
Supporting the security of supply of the marine industry network
SUSIE - Sustainable Business and Employability through HEIs’ Innovative Pedagogy
Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks
Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks (FINIX)
SWEPPP - Sustainable Wellbeing Education for Personal, Professional and Planetary Wellbeing
SYNDATE - Test platform for synthetic health data
Taikusydän - Arts & Health Coordination Centre in Finland
TCCWB. Supporting development of TransCultural Competence for healthcare professionals in the Western Balkans
TEACH – Developing transformative education for advancing competencies in planetary health
Telaketju 2 - Business from circular economy of textiles
TELAKETJU Sorting and Recovery Chain for Textiles
TERVA Healthcare Testbed Intermediary
Textile Flows in Finland
The AASE competition – Expanding Online Competition Concept in Technical Sales and Writing a Guide for Technical Sales
The AidVerse – Safe Career of Authorities with Metaverse Technology
The Circular Economy Centres of the Future
The Development Project for Student Selection
The Effects of Sulphate Loading on the Release of Phosphorus from Sediments
The eMedication Passport
The emotional impact of media in public spaces
The ETAB - Energy transition for apartment buildings
The field of health technology as business – TELI
The Future of UHF - FUHF
The JOY – Strengthening inclusion and joy in sports clubs in Europe
The Virtual Medicine Project
The YourSupport project
Theatre in Palm – Theatre platform for supporting emerging artist cooperation and resilience
Three Openings to New Value Creation: Clean Technology, Health Services and Marketing Communications at the Digital Age (e-Value Creation) as Platforms
TIGON - Towards Intelligent DC-based Hybrid Grids Optimizing the Network Performance
TOO4TO – Sustainable Management: Tools for Tomorrow
Tools for construction site water quality management
Trauma-informed Approach
TRY OUT! Experiments on Circular Economy and Cleantech with Cities and Business Networks – Highlighting Functional Business Models
Turku Future Technologies Competence Factory (TFT CF)
Turku Innovation Centre of Additive Manufacturing, TICAM
UEDT – Transformation of New Energy and Digital Technology
UKRA – business studies for those receiving temporary protection
Urban Biodiversity Parks
Urban diversities – challenges for social work
UrbanStormwaterRisk – Management of Urban Water Monitoring, Developing Stormwater Risk Planning and Early Warning Service
UTELE - Journey of exploration
Utilization of biogas in passenger ships
Utilizing common reed! – New technologies and procedures of water protection
UUTTERA – New business from energy communities
VAASI – Developing Competencies for Demanding Foster Care
Value from Sport
VERKKO – A leap into new business models and better well-being
Vessedia – Verification Engineering of Safety and Security Critical Industrial Applications
VIEDEX – Virtual Education Experience in an Extended Nordic Context
VIRDI – Virtual Reality in Driving Inspection
Vireo research project
Virtual Children's Hospital for Learning Pediatric Nursing
Virtual integration home – promoting inclusion and empowerment digitally (VINCE)
VTC – Virtual Training Certification
Vulnerable pregnant women throughout Europe
Waterchain – Pilot Watersheds as a Practical Tool to Reduce the Harmful Inflows into the Baltic Sea
WATERLINE - Transforming advanced water skilling through the creation of a network of extended-reality water emulative centres
We are! Responsible internationalization
Well@School – Developing multi-professional Higher Education for promoting mental health and well-being at schools
Wellbeing Through Counselling
wExchange - Promoting mental well-being through online exchange in secondary schools
Wireless for Verticals (WIVE)
WoHealth − Empowering immigrant women in supporting their and their families' health and wellbeing