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Page updated 1.3.2023
NonHazCity3 - Reducing hazardous substances in construction to safeguard the aquatic environment, protect human health and achieve more sustainable buildings

NonHazCity3 - Reducing hazardous substances in construction to safeguard the aquatic environment, protect human health and achieve more sustainable buildings

International NonHazCity3 project focuses on hazardous substances found on building materials, and the environmental chemical burden caused by those substances. The project joins reducing hazardous substances, climate neutrality and circularity in building projects while considering also economic aspects. The aim of the NonHazCity3 is to reduce the chemicalization of homes and workplaces by increasing knowledge of hazardous substances present in building materials and how to avoid them, and by so increase well-being. The project also aims to investigate and reduce leaching of hazardous substances from building materials into the environment, particularly into the Baltic Sea and other aquatic environments.

NonHazCity3 develops new and improves existing strategic and practical solutions to reduce risks caused by hazardous substances in building materials for cities and municipalities, enterprises and individuals. The solutions developed in the project will be tested through different pilot projects. These pilots will focus on for example:

  • developing public procurement processes to reduce hazardous substances
  • designing and constructing toxicant free, climate-neutral and circular buildings
  • providing information and tools on toxicant-free, climate-neutral and circular building and renovation.
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