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Page updated 27.5.2021
Digital Career Stories - Opening new career paths for arts and culture students

Digital Career Stories - Opening new career paths for arts and culture students

The project aims to open new career paths for arts, culture, and creative industry students by developing and piloting an online methodology of Digital Career Stories. The methodology will be used to support students’ professional growth, identity work, reflection skills, self-awareness, self-efficacy and resilience through creative and reflective activities. 

The DICO consortium will develop and pilot innovative art-based and narrative methods in four Intellectual Outputs that together form the Digital Career Story methodology:

  • writing reflective diary,
  • digital storytelling,
  • performative embodied identities and
  • design thinking.

What has originally been implemented as fully hands-on and face-to-face workshops will now be turned into an interactive online learning process.

In all HEIs the Digital Career Stories methods will be piloted with variety of Master’s Degree CCS students. Methodology will be used for self-reflection and sharing experiences among students. Moreover, students will be involved in international interaction and collaboration on digital platforms.  

The main result of the project is the Digital Career Story methodology that can be implemented fully online and adapted for various study programmes, also outside the creative and cultural sectors. The project will produce an online toolkit to disseminate the methodology widely in the higher education sector.
