ReLeCo – The innovative blended learning concept for resource efficiency
The ReLeCo project prepares an interactive, versatile study module on resource efficiency. The study module includes group tuition, cooperation between HEIs and companies, international cooperation, online tuition and flipped learning. During the project, the concept is tested in five European countries.
Increasing resource efficiency promotes sustainable development and creates more jobs within the European Union. Education plays a significant part in solving the challenges of resource efficiency. By educating future experts, the EU can meet the set climate goals. The current education on resource efficiency is, however, too traditional and based on classroom teaching.
The concept of the study module developed within the project is strongly learner oriented. Already during the project students are included in the main activities. Not only will they adopt new knowledge but also create it. The study module increases students’ awareness on resource efficiency, develops innovation competences and creates valuable contacts with the companies and interest groups in the field.