MitViDi - Green Metrics for Public Digitalization Acquisitions
Green Metrics for Public Digitalization Acquisitions (MitViDi) project aims to develope a tool and an assessment framework for public ICT procurements. This tool and framework allow the procurers to assess offered ICT system’s (including programs and hardware components) environmental impacts throughout their life cycle.
When the assessment framework is used in the tendering process, the bidders evaluate their products in terms of their environmental impacts. With the assessment framework bidders can also develop ICT products more in line with public sector’s goals to gain advantage by complying with the values of sustainable development.
Turku UAS gathers, forms and analyses data concerning different ICT procurements to further develop the assessment framework while also testing the framework in practice with public procurers. Additionally with stakeholders Turku UAS evaluates the usability of the assessment tool and changes in procurement process required for its use. Turku UAS is also involved in creating guidelines for procurement organisations for utilisation of the assessment framework.
During the project operators are gathered in the Southwest Finland to form a green ICT network. This network improves the innovation of local companies to internationally competent level.