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Page updated 11.8.2017

Social inclusion and ethical patient treatment

Turku University of Applied Sciences has been granted Central Baltic project funding to improve social inclusion and enhance ethical treatment of patients.

The new projects in the field of health care and social services at Turku University of Applied Sciences promote especially mental well-being: ComeStrong improves the social inclusion of men in danger of marginalization in a society, while SimE – SimEthics enhances the ethical treatment of health care patients.

Preventing marginalization by building communities for men

The ComeStrong project aims at improving the social inclusion of men who are in danger of marginalization. Turku University of Applied Sciences has been granted funding of 160,000 euros from the Central Baltic Programme.

The project involves creating own local communities for middle-aged and ageing men to provide them with a sense of belonging. The activity of the group involves hands-on doing together with the others and can be influenced by the participants themselves. The aim is to support the experience of inclusion and improve well-being. Communities are being created in Finland and Estonia.

The project is coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences and implemented by research groups Active Adulthood and Active Ageing. University of Tartu, Auralan Settlementti and Perusturvakuntayhtymä Akseli act as project partners.

More information: Katariina Felixson

Paying attention to ethical treatment of the patients

The SimE – SimEthics project aims at developing the ethical treatment of health care patients. The research project has been granted funding of approximately 200,000 euros from the Central Baltic Programme.  

A significant number of all health care patient complaints concern the way they have been dealt with during their treatment. The project aims at mapping the ethical problems occurring when encountering the patient and at creating not only a development plan but also an international educational module in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. The project responds to, for instance, the need for ethical training of students and instructors as described by the Hospital District of Southwest Finland.   

The objective is to develop the competence of health care professionals to meet the needs of the patients in a multiprofessional cooperation. The project is implemented in Turku University of Applied Sciences by research group Clinical Expertise in Health Care as part of three study modules.    

More information: Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa