Engine and Powertrain
The research group focuses on research into the machinery and power lines of land and sea transport vehicles. The main priorities of the group are:
- internal combustion engines,
- hybrid and electric power lines,
- liquid and gaseous fuels and their emissions.
The group's tools include an engine and power line laboratory, multi-fuel boiler and frost research equipment, and simulation tools suitable for research. Mobile research environments are represented by the eRX electric rally car.
The group works closely within Turku UAS and with companies in the area and is thus able to offer a wide range of expertise in mechanical engineering research challenges. The extensive expertise of the staff can be utilized from direct consulting assignments to large-scale research projects at the EU framework program level. We also offer student projects and theses.
Energy efficient internal combustion engines
These long-term research projects investigate methods that enable internal combustion engines to meet ever-tightening global emission standards while improving the energy efficiency of engines.
The research primarily concentrates on the emissions and energy efficiency of off-road vehicles, marine diesel engines and power plants. The aim is to develop diesel and gas engines that meet emission standards while remaining compact, cost-efficient and capable of delivering the desired performance.
Energy recovery systems
Internal combustion engines reject a notable amount of waste heat while operating, and the principle of waste heat recovery is gaining popularity in other applications as well. In the future, the utilization of waste energy streams is an internal part of the group’s R&D activities.
Energy efficiency of vehicles
The third key research area concentrates on the use of vehicles in traffic. Future research areas will include the optimization of the energy efficiency of entire logistics chains. Advanced technologies alone will not solve the problems associated with energy use. Instead, these technologies must be used correctly to gain maximum benefits.